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Fashion Crimes Podcast

Feb 4, 2022

Did you know? Your favorite personal stylist actually helps REAL people every day? 

Uhmmmm, hellllleerrrrrrr?  #DUH

Our hostess with the mostest Holly Katz styles all kinds of people: professionals, busy moms, women over 40 (and we mean WAY over 40), post-baby, during baby, empty-nesters, men, teenagers… 

There literally isn’t anyone who does not need a Best Fashion Friend Forever, and that is exactly who Holly is. Your #BFFF.

In this week’s episode of “Client Confessions,” Holly introduces us to Nancy, a long-time client, busy attorney, and mom. There was a time, (pre-Holly of course) that Nancy did not take much stock in her wardrobe and did not consider that “what to wear” was a concept that might matter to her. #WHAT?


Picture this: A successful real estate attorney has Baby Number 1 and then Baby Number 2 (darling boys by the way), who decided to pivot and work on her own as an advisor while working from home.  Add to this taking care of infants, cooking, cleaning, laundry twice a day…. You get the drill. #ugh #soundsterrible

And guess what? There was no time for Nancy.  As you know, Holly does like to say:

“If you don’t give to yourself first, you have nothing to give others!”

There are a million ways people say this, but if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. And being happy means you need to feel good about yourself first. 

Fast forward 5 years where Nancy found herself wearing the same old T-shirts and jeans that were 2 sizes too big from her post-maternity days. And she may not have realized it at the time, but she did not feel so great about herself.  She also didn’t know that Holly would become the best friend in fashion she never knew she needed. #tagline

Nancy eventually went back to work full-time and now runs a badass legal company of her own. Lucky for her, she had met Holly at a hip-hop exercise class nearly 10 years ago, and the two formed a professional relationship while twerking on the dance floor.

It was during this time that Holly started nudging Nancy to take stock in her wardrobe and how she was feeling. They started building a wardrobe for all stages of Nancy’s life and BOOM, when she went back to work, she went back with confidence and with style!

And just what does “style confidence” mean? It means:

  • Wearing clothes that fit you well, and items that are meant for your body type
  • Getting a bra fitting, and wearing bras that fit you perfectly
  • Having the basic foundations of a wardrobe: pants, skirts, dresses, blazers, tops, and seasonal items in your closet BEFORE you need them
  • Having proper shoes for all occasions
  • Learning how to stretch your wardrobe with accessories like bags, scarves, belts and jewelry. 
  • Investing in quality, good-fitting style, instead of “what’s in style” at the moment.

“Nancy is now cashin' checks and snappin' necks!”

Nancy raves about the difference this process has made in her life. She gets up each day and is ready to work and take care of her family – WITHOUT the stress of “what to wear.”  

She is confident, comfortable, and frankly, damn tired of people stopping her on the street to ask her about her cute outfits. It does hurt to be fabulous! #jussayin’

Nancy now sees the importance of a solid wardrobe in her role as an attorney and a woman. She needs to be a leader, a legal counselor and an employer every day, and how she presents herself is directly correlated to how she feels about herself: confident and strong. 

People do take stock in how you look and how you present yourself. Show that you are a leader and a professional, and people will believe you!

These two BFFFs are hilarious as they talk about wearing real clothes in real life with real kids, clients, and even the bitchy PTA volunteer or two.

Do you or someone you know need help with your wardrobe? Be sure to download our podcast, follow our social and Holly’s Pinterest boards. Or, you could also just DM Holly!


Join us every Friday!


Hosted by your favorite personal stylist and the only Holly you need to know, Holly Katz